Separate boundary timers from tasks for increased flexibility

Separate boundary timers from tasks for increased flexibility

In a BPMN-based process, a timer is evaluated when the process reaches it. Therefore, all variable updates that happen afterwards do not affect the timer. BPMN does not allow event-based gateways to be used as boundary events, so the "Updatable Timer Pattern" cannot be used. This blueprint solves the problem by separating the boundary timer from the task or subprocess while keeping the semantics, so the "Updatable Timer Pattern" can be used.

Features and Benefits

Timer Updatable

Replace the task or subprocess and boundary timer with this blueprint (design pattern) to make the timer updatable.


Process designers can easily visualize the possibility of timer updates in the process model.


The update of the variables for specific process instances through messages is only possible while the task or subprocess is active.


The technique shown to separate the boundary timer from its task or subprocess can be useful for other use cases.


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  • Associated Product Group Categories:
    • Patterns
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