
Trade Exception Remediation Processing

Validate and remediate limit orders

Creator: Camunda
Capital MarketOrder receivedfrom brokerorder expiredInform customer about executed orderRegister orderorder aborted -  expiredorder processed successfullyprices checkedprices out of thresholdorder registeredInform brokerto broker responseto broker responseupdated order receivedorder cancellation receivedorder aborted - canceledorder executedPrice Threshold Checkorder abortedInform customer about aborted ordercustomer notified about aborted orderprice check unsuccessfulStock ExchangeBrokerCustomercheck priceprice detailsplace orderplace ordermessagemessagedecisiondecisionfailuresuccess

    Identify errors and exceptions before trading is filled

    Trade processing failures caused by human errors, legacy systems, and delays in manual remediation cost banks, investment managers, and customers billions of dollars every year. The end-to-end trade lifecycle is complex and long-running. This blueprint demonstrates how to execute pre-trade reconciliation that identifies errors and exceptions and sends information to analysts immediate remediation before trading is filled. This approach resolves errors faster and avoids settlement failures.

    Features and Benefits

    Business Validation

    Automatically identifies errors and exceptions that require expert intervention.

    Humans in the Loop

    Orchestrates human tasks to involve knowledge workers (analysts) only when necessary to facilitate pre-trade reconciliation.

    Cost Efficiency

    Prevents delays and cost overruns caused by manual reconciliation work.


    • Marketplace release date -
    • Last Github commit Wednesday, December 18, 2024
    • Associated Product Group Categories:
      • Solution Accelerators
    • Version Compatibility:
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