Participation in the certification process is optional. Before submission, ensure a thorough review of theprogram requirements.

Step 1: Ensure your Connector meets the criteria

  • •   Confirm compatibility with both SaaS and Self-Managed versions.

    •   Verify adherence to security standards.

    •   Connector is already approved and available in the Camunda Marketplace.

Step 2: Request the certification

Fill out the submission form with all necessary details about your Connector for the certification process to begin.

Submit certification request

Step 3: Upload the Connector to Camunda’s GitHub

Once your team has been added to Camunda’s GitHub organization:

  • •   Upload your code and documentation to the Camunda repo following the repo template
  • •   Add required legal terms preceding your license terms in

    About Camunda Certified Assets Camunda

    Certified assets are developed by Camunda’s partners. These Connectors have been scanned for vulnerabilities and dependencies by Camunda. For more functionality or additional support for the Connector [Name Connector], please contact [Partner Name] directly using the Marketplace contact form in the Connector page information. Camunda disclaims any support obligation for Camunda Certified assets.

    [Your license terms]

Step 4: Camunda review and certification

After Camunda successfully checks for dependencies and vulnerabilities, the Marketplace page for the connector will be updated with the tag "Certified".

Additional information