By contributing to the Marketplace, you, the partner or independent third-party developer, agree to the Camunda Marketplace Terms.
Blueprints showcase ways to implement common business processes and illustrate best practices for process modeling and implementation.
Blueprints can be imported into the Web Modeler as executable process applications with a combined total of 20 BPMN, DMN, form, or connector files.
Step 1: Set Up Your GitHub Repository
We offer two types of contributions: open-source and listing-only. For listing-only blueprints, setting up a GitHub repository is unnecessary, allowing you to skip Step 1.
• Executable
Blueprints containing BPMN files should be executable and include example data. It is recommended to use “Play” as described in the Play documentation and save sample payloads to the “example data” field. ChatGPT can assist in generating plausible payloads.
• Repository
Create a new public GitHub repository or use an existing one that hosts your Blueprint files and all required files. We recommend using git sync to facilitate file transfer, as outlined in the Web Modeler git sync documentation.
Include a clear and comprehensive file detailing how to set up your Blueprint. Add installation instructions if necessary, and if the process requires any other components like connectors, job workers or forms, please list them and link to the resources.
• License File
Add a license file to your repository. Include the following legal terms before your license terms in
This Blueprint is designed by Camunda’s partners or independent third-party developers. To receive assistance or support for the Blueprint [Name of Blueprint], contact [Your Name] directly using the contact information provided. Camunda disclaims any support obligation for the Blueprint.
By installing this blueprint, you consent to Camunda sharing your contact information with the developer of this blueprint so that you can receive more information about it directly from the developer.
[Your license terms here]We will review the license and contact you if there are any license incompatibilities.
• Make It Public
Ensure the repository is set to 'Public' status.
Step 2: Submit Your Blueprint
Before filling out the submission form, ensure all required files are available.
• Your Information
Provide your name, website, and email address. Your email address will only be used for communication with the Camunda Team. It will not be displayed in the Marketplace.
• Blueprint Details
Ensure you have a title, description, GitHub repository URL, installation guide, and feature list for your Blueprint.
• Blueprint Logo
Complete your Blueprint's profile with a logo. Host your images on a website or platform that allows you to generate a downloadable URL.
If your Blueprint is publicly accessible and contains a BPMN file, no screenshot is required. We will directly embed your BPMN file in our marketplace.
• Using Connectors from Our Marketplace in Your Blueprint?
You can link the dependencies in your listing. Simply add the used connectors as dependencies in the form.
• Support Links
Support page and documentation links are required. It is possible to submit additional resources, such as video tutorials.

Step 3: Review By Camunda
After submitting your Blueprint, it will undergo a review process at Camunda. During this review, we will carefully evaluate your submission to ensure that all necessary information has been provided and that it adheres to our guidelines. If your Blueprint meets all our requirements, it will be approved and added to the Camunda Marketplace. However, if there are any issues or if additional details are needed, we will contact you using the provided contact information to discuss the matter further.
Thank you for your submission, and we look forward to working with you!